Biotechnology could be providing a more sustainable way for producing flavouring. Evolva is biotechnology company in Switzerland that is leading in this field with a variety of products.
For example in order to produce a liter of the orange flavouring molecule, 160000 oranges are needed. Evolva brews valencene from sugar, rather than extracting it from orange peel oil, their process allows valencene to be made in large amounts in a highly reproducible, sustainable and affordable manner. Obtaining valencene using fermentation is a process that is much more reliable, economical, and environmentally friendly.
The other types of flavouring that Evolva creates are Nootkatone (found in the peels of grapefruit) and Vanillan( extracted from seed pods of the vanilla orchard). Evolva’s goal is to make these products more affordable and sustainable.
There are people who believe that this type of synthetic biology is unnatural, unregulated, and dangerous however the company is very open about the types of biotechnology that is used and is being developed.
Although these products are economically and environmentally more sustainable than the extractions of the flavourings directly from the plant or fruit, it doesn't necessarily fall into the model of a circular economy. What do you think of the company Evolva? Is this type of biotechnology our ticket to a more sustainable future or are there dangerous risks when using synthetic biology?
זה ברור שאם כל חידוש טכנולוגי יש אנשים שמתנגדים מתוך בחד. לדעתי זה צריך להיות בראש מעייניו להפחית את כמות האדמה שאנו צורכים למען חקלאות. הרבה זמן חיקוים זולים של טעמים מסתמחים על חימיקלים. כמו שבסופר אפשר לקנות וניל אמיתי ב45 שקל או חיקוי ב4שקל. אבל אם החברה הזו מצליחה לשמור על הגינות של הרכיבים הטבעיים ועל אותו איכות אז אדרבה, זה צעד נהדר!