a. What are the characteristics of a “responsible consumer”? Explain.
Responsible consumers usually use recyclable products, and they tend to make their products refillable/repairable. As they are purchasing, they usually consider products’ regionality, duration, recyclability, and many other things. They try to extend the duration of their purchased products as long as possible, which creates the least waste.
b. What do you buy on a regular basis: daily, twice a week, once a week, once a month, less?
Food(once a week), necessities like shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, condiments(probably once in a few months)
c. How are your purchases divided between online shopping (local, abroad, shipped by air or by sea) and in-store shopping? For in-store shopping, how do you get to the store? By foot, car, public transport?
I usually buy food in stores, because the quality must be confirmed by you. For online shopping, I will buy some one-time-purchase products, such as clothes and electronics, etc. I usually get to the store on foot.
d. What is important to you when choosing a product?
For products with relatively short life cycles, I don’t really care to much. The appearance is probably attracting me the most. For products with long life cycles, we will look into their quality, life duration, and the cost of repairing/replacing them.
e. Can you take into consideration the end of use already at the time of purchase? If so, in what form?
Not really, especially for something that has a long life cycle, if it reaches the end of use, I will just try to replace it with a new one. For short life cycle items, such as food and daily necessities, I will collect them for recycling purposes.
f. How can you become a more responsible consumer?
We can become a more responsible consumers by:
Consider products’ origins and destination. Try to buy products that are from local.
Try to use as much value as the products have. Don’t Waste!
Reduce the frequency of replacing items by repairing them or purchasing refillable/repairable items.