In factories all over the world, there are usable materials that are constantly wasted and thrown away. The manufacturing companies not only have to invest more money in buying more materials, which raises the prices of their products, but they also waste materials which is bad for the environment. In recent years, Nike has become a more circular system in which they recycle materials that would usually be considered waste and use them to create new products.
One of Nike’s most popular products, the Nike Air, has been updated over the last couple of years to only use recyclable materials. Today, the shoes consist of 100% renewable wind energy held in a tough and flexible bag that allows for the customer to feel like they are walking on air. This new design allows for less waste and the ability to reuse the materials. Not only can we wear comfortable shoes but we can also know that our shoes are good for the environment!
This is an incredible way to recycle waste! It not only allows to get rid of several types of wastes (Nike is also producing recycled polyester, nylon and sustainable cotton), but also to reduce the amount of materials needed. I really like Nike ideology that everything has to be made from recycled materials and the production has to be eco-friendly.