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Renewal of an emission permit for a chemical factory

In this project, we applied for the renewal of an emission permit for a factory that contacted us very late and close to the expiration of the emission permit. In order to allow the customer to meet the schedule without being fined, we worked diligently and hand in hand with the contact, to complete the request in a record time of less than two months.

This plant, which operates in industrial symbiosis with other plants, receives a by-product from the chemical refining process, and transfers its many products - including intermediate products and wastewater – to be used as raw materials in another plant. The operation of the plant according to one of the principles of the circular economy, saves on the costs of purchasing raw materials and wastewater treatment.

After an introductory meeting and a tour of the factory, we received from the factory annual data on consumption of raw materials and production of products, data on energy use, samples of chimneys (the wastewater, as mentioned, is transferred directly for use in a nearby factory), data on the waste generated in the factory, a detailed description of the production process, how to store each of the materials, data on the activity of the cooling towers and the emergency systems.

In the next step, we examined for the factory the existing situation and the gaps in front of the current requirements of the legislator, based on the best existing BAT techniques.

During the work on the emission permit, we maintained continuous and intensive contact with the contacts, with the aim of meeting the schedules and legal requirements in an optimal way. The emission permit was submitted in record time, a fact that saved the customer from paying the fine for not applying for an emission permit on time.

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